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News inCharnwood

Free event to celebrate and connect Charnwood businesses and entrepreneurs

Tue 28th January

Charnwood businesses and entrepreneurs are being invited to attend a special free event later this year. The event - Celebrating & Connecting Business inCharnwood – is being held on the morning of Wednesday, 5 March 2025, at Charnwood Campus in Loughborough, a science, innovation and technology park which is home to a number of successful businesses. There will be guest speakers, business support and plenty of networking opportunities, with lunch also provided.

Charnwood businesses offered free help to improve sustainability

Thu 23rd January

Businesses in Charnwood are being offered free access to a digital platform aimed at helping them become more sustainable. Charnwood Borough Council has secured 12 two-year subscriptions to sustainability coaching platform Zellar, which sets out to simplify the process of calculating and understanding carbon emissions, enabling businesses to develop tailored decarbonisation plans.